When life hands you zucchini
Zucchini from a neighbor's garden is turned into bread on Aug. 25, 2017, in Salmon, Idaho. (© 2017 Cindi Christie/Cyanpixel)

When life hands you zucchini

There are a two times a year when you lock your doors and roll up the car windows: zucchini season and rhubarb season. We were the recipients of zucchini from a neighbor's garden. One was almost half the size of a VW Bug. It has been turned into delicious zucchini bread.

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If I could talk to the animals
A doe and two fawns visit the yard on Aug. 22, 2017, in Salmon, Idaho. (© 2017 Cindi Christie/Cyanpixel)

If I could talk to the animals

Paying homage to Doctor Dolittle, I nicknamed these twin fawns Pushmi-Pullyu. Mama was barely a leap and bound away from the pair, which had just nursed. They are regular visitors…

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Floating the Salmon River
A leisurely float on the Salmon River begins at Island Park and ends at Morgan Bar BLM Campground on Aug. 20, 2017, in Lemhi County, Idaho. Idaho Adventures, based in Salmon, offers several kinds of river tours with this one being the (© 2017 Cindi Christie/Cyanpixel)

Floating the Salmon River

A leisurely half-day scenic float on the Salmon River began at Island Park and ended at Morgan Bar BLM Campground on Aug. 20, 2017, in Lemhi County, Idaho. These cliffs…

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For the birds, not the dog
A fledgling stops by for a visit and is rescued from becoming a morsel for the dog on Aug. 14, 2017, in Salmon, Idaho. (© 2017 Cindi Christie/Cyanpixel)

For the birds, not the dog

This tiny bird came to rest on the back deck. It appeared a bit stunned but not with an obvious injury. I knew that golden retriever Freyja would love to give it a ride in her mouth — especially on the way to her stomach. Instead, it was rescued and posed for a few photos before flying off.

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We stop for cattle drives
Cattle are driven northbound on Highway 93 while motorized vehicles wait on July 31, 2017, in Custer County, Idaho, south of Challis. (© 2017 Cindi Christie/Cyanpixel)

We stop for cattle drives

Cattle are driven northbound on Highway 93 while motorized vehicles wait on July 31, 2017, in Custer County, Idaho, south of Challis. (© 2017 Cindi Christie/Cyanpixel) We got a taste…

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